Saturday, January 9, 2010

1 Week Down, 51 to Go

Well, I made it. A whole week of photos, and I'm actually quite happy with the stuff I've shot so far. Check out my blog, 365 Days of Aitkens, here.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year, New Blog.

In an attempt to document 2010 and hopefully become a better photographer in the process, I've made a resolution to take a photo a day.
Follow 365 Days of Aitkens here.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm Back!

In more than one way. After returning from San Francisco, I took a week off from the computer as Facebook has recently been ruling my life for no apparent reason and wasting my time. Now that my obsession is under control, I'm allowing myself little bits of time throughout the day to return to my Facebook friends and blogging pals.
In other news, I left my heart in San Francisco. The city was amazing! And travelling with a 6 1/2 month-old was so incredibly better than I could have ever expected, I can't even begin to explain... I think the trip was really good for me. My mom even commented on how relaxed I was the whole time which is unusual for me especially since Owen entered the world. It was good for me to see that if our eat/wake/sleep schedule wasn't completely upheld, Owen would survive (and be quite happy!).

Some candids from our travels.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

We Made It!

We are in San Francisco! Let me explain:
Kenny had a week long conference to attend here with Urban Land Institute. He suggested a couple weeks ago that Owen and I might like to join him. The idea of sitting in a hotel room in San Francisco with a 6-month old didn't sound terribly exciting to me. So I mentioned it to my mom and she said she would love to join us! Yesteday Kenny, my mom, Owen and I all boarded a plane in Calgary and landed here in San Fran. All I can say is I was crazy for not wanting to come!
Owen was an angel on the airplane. Travelling with him is still easy because I still lug all 18 pounds of him around in the Baby Bjorn. He fell asleep just as we were boarding the plane and just as we were getting off. During the flight he ate, played, and was entertained by the 2 year-old sitting behind us. He even slept throught the night last night! I was really suprised with how smoothly the whole day went considering he only had two catnaps of about 20 minutes a piece.
Last night we had takeout sushi and an early bedtime because we were all tuckered from a day of travelling. This morning, Kenny took off for his conference at about 9. My poor mom is recovering from a bought of food poisoning that kept her up almost the whole night... Owen and I have already been out to Walgreens to get some neccessary supplies and Starbucks of course. Right now, he is snoozing in his green hotel pack and play. And I am already planning our escape from Lethbidge, Alberta, population 80,000. I am in love with big cities.

Friday, September 11, 2009

It's been a busy last couple of weeks.
Summer is officially over and the wind is back. We spent last week in Montana with my dad (probably the last time we'll be there for a while now) and were greeted at home with three days of nonstop wind. This is not your average breeze, it's wind that makes me not want to leave the house. So I didn't. For three days. Very depressing.
For me, September is New Years #2. There's something about kids heading back to school that screams new beginnings. So I've decided to get over myself and get my life back on track. I had a good talk with Kenny last night in which we both decided that I hate my life right now. Might have something to do with the whole never leave the house thing. I realized that ever since I've become a mom, I am too easily defeated and really need a change of perspective when it comes to being a housewife. So I made a couple September resolutions:
1.) Go out and do things. Don't use having a baby as an excuse. Go out even if he's fussy.
2.) Relax and don't put so much pressure on myself to get things done.
3.) Lower the bar and look for a sense of accomplishment in the small things.
4.) Have a better attitude towards motherhood. Know that raising a child is the most important and rewarding opportunity I could have as well as the job that God has given to me at this point in my life.
So today, armed with a Cuddly wrap and a soother, I took Owen out to run some errands whether he liked it or not, and it was a success! (Minus the fact that he spit up a giant puddle of mama's milk on the floor in Michael's AND Shopper's) I felt triumphant when I got home, like I'd just ran a 30k marathon. Here's to a new me...

Friday, August 21, 2009

August 21

Five years ago today, I married my best friend.

I am still honored to be your wife.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I have a new blog.
Funny, because I can't seem to update the two I already have.
Nonetheless, I am throwing another into the mix because I am embarking on a journey that I have ambitiously entitled 'Mommy's First Million'.
Check it out here and become a follower.